VWA is interested in the "ruin of a movement", this witness space that links it to the next one. How to write choreography in the image of ruins, to arrange so that the resonance of each fragment remains. VWA is the debut collaboration between Harris Gkekas and Ashley Wright and simultaneously the foundation for the association STRATES, in action since January 2015.
Concept : Harris Gkekas in collaboration with Ashley Wright
Performers: Harris Gkekas, Ashley Wright
Sound design & sound engineer: Didier Ambact
Costumes & light design: Harris Gkekas
Filmography: Gilles Tardy
Premiere venue: Les Subsistances, Lyon.
Additional venues : Théâtre Le Croiseur, Biennale de la Danse, Lyon
Supported by: l'Opéra National du Rhin-Centre Chorégraphique National, Mulhouse, Centre chorégraphique National de Rillieux-la-Pape.